
$$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}D\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}$$

In [11]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
from numpy import *

In [12]:
#dimensions of the computational domain:
maxx = 10.
maxt = 1.

D = 0.5

We discretize the simulation domain: $$t_n = t_0 + n\Delta t$$ $$x_i = x_0 + i\Delta x$$ and seek for the numerical approximation $U^n_i$ to the actual solution $U(t_n, x_i)$ on the grid points

In [13]:
#discretization parameters
nx = 100   # number of unknown grid points in spatial direction
SC = 1.0  # stability criterion SC = 2*D*dt/dx^2, for FTCS should be SC <= 1

def diffusion_init(maxx, maxt, D, nx, SC):
    #choose time step according to CFL condition
    dx = maxx/(nx+1)
    dt = SC*dx**2/(2*D)
    nt = int(maxt/dt)+1
    #define array for storing the solution
    U = zeros((nt, nx+2))
    x = arange(nx+2)*dx
    t = arange(nt)*dt
    return U, dx, dt, x, t

To obtain an explicit scheme for propagating the solution in time, we may replace the derivatives with forward differences in time and central differences in space (FTCS), assuming D=const. $$\frac{U^{n+1}_i-U^n_i}{\Delta t} = D\frac{U^n_{i+1}-2U^n_i+U^n_{i-1}}{\Delta x^2}$$ This leads to a simple explicit formula for $U^{n+1}_i$ $$U^{n+1}_i = U^n_i + \frac{D\Delta t}{\Delta x^2}(U^n_{i+1}-2U^n_i+U^n_{i-1})$$

In [14]:
def diffusion_solve(U, dx, dt, nx, nt, D):
    xint = arange(1, nx+1)
    for it in range(0,nt-1):
        U[it+1,xint] = U[it,xint] + D*dt/dx**2*(U[it,xint+1] - 2*U[it, xint] + U[it, xint-1])

Let's try to propagate a square initial condition

In [15]:
U, dx, dt, x, t = diffusion_init(maxx, maxt, D, nx, SC=0.9)
U[0,:] = 0.
U[0, (x<maxx*0.4) & (x>maxx*0.2)] = 1.

(0, 1.1)

In [16]:
diffusion_solve(U, dx, dt, nx, len(t), D)
pcolormesh(U, rasterized=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f6952f01f60>

The time step limit seems to be to strict, let's try increasing the time step a bit

In [18]:
U, dx, dt, x, t = diffusion_init(maxx, maxt, D, nx, SC*1.03)
U[0,:] = 0.
U[0, (x<maxx*0.4) & (x>maxx*0.2)] = 1.

In [19]:
diffusion_solve(U, dx, dt, nx, len(t), D)
pcolormesh(U, rasterized=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f6952ef7898>

Obviously, the stability condition is there for a reason :). As usual, implicit methods come to the rescue. Implicit differencing leads to $$\frac{U^{n+1}_i-U^n_i}{\Delta t} = D\frac{U^{n+1}_{i+1}-2U^{n+1}_i+U^{n+1}_{i-1}}{\Delta x^2}$$ Substituting $\alpha=\frac{D\Delta t}{\Delta x^2}$ and collecting the advanced values on left side yields $$-\alpha U^{n+1}_{i+1}+(2\alpha + 1)U^{n+1}_i-\alpha U^{n+1}_{i-1} = U^n_i$$ Or expressing in vectorized form, where $K$ is the matrix of second differences: $$U^{n+1}_i-U^n_i = \alpha K U^{n+1}$$ $$({1}-\alpha K) U^{n+1}=U^n$$

In [20]:
from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix, eye
from scipy.sparse.linalg import factorized
def d2matrix(nelem):
    elements = ones((3,nelem))
    elements[1,:] *= -2
    return dia_matrix((elements, [-1,0,1]), shape=(nelem,nelem)).tocsc()

def diffusion_solve_implicit(U, dx, dt, nx, nt, D):
    alpha = D*dt/dx**2
    d2x = eye(nx)-d2matrix(nx)*alpha
    xint = arange(1, nx+1)
    LU = factorized(d2x.tocsc())
    for it in range(0,nt-1):
        U[it+1,xint] = LU(U[it,xint])

In [25]:
U, dx, dt, x, t = diffusion_init(maxx, maxt, D, nx, SC*10.)
U[0,:] = 0.
U[0, (x<maxx*0.4) & (x>maxx*0.2)] = 1.
#U[0,:] = sin(x*5)

In [26]:
diffusion_solve_implicit(U, dx, dt, nx, len(t), D)
pcolormesh(U, rasterized=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f6952df6390>

Much longer time steps can now be used without compromising stability. In analogy to ODE methods, the previous methods correspond to explicit and implicit Euler methods. We may develop a method which is second order in time and space by proper time-centering: $$\frac{U^{n+1}_i-U^n_i}{\Delta t} = \frac{D}{2}\left( \frac{U^{n+1}_{i+1}-2U^{n+1}_i+U^{n+1}_{i-1}}{\Delta x^2}+ \frac{U^{n}_{i+1}-2U^{n}_i+U^{n}_{i-1}}{\Delta x^2}\right) $$ Again, substituting $\alpha=\frac{D\Delta t}{\Delta x^2}$ and collecting the advanced values on left side yields $$-\alpha U^{n+1}_{i+1}+(2\alpha + 2)U^{n+1}_i-\alpha U^{n+1}_{i-1} = -\alpha U^{n}_{i+1}+(2\alpha + 2)U^{n}_i-\alpha U^{n}_{i-1}$$ Or expressing in vectorized form, where $K$ is the matrix of second differences: $$U^{n+1}_i-U^n_i = \frac{\alpha}{2} K (U^{n+1}+U^n)$$ $$({1}-\frac{\alpha}{2} K) U^{n+1}=(1+\frac{\alpha}{2}K) U^n$$

In [27]:
def diffusion_solve_CN(U, dx, dt, nx, nt, D):
    alpha2 = D*dt/dx**2*0.5
    M1 = eye(nx)-d2matrix(nx)*alpha2
    M2 = eye(nx)+d2matrix(nx)*alpha2
    LU = factorized(M1.tocsc())
    for it in range(0,nt-1):
        U[it+1,1:-1] = LU(M2.dot(U[it,1:-1]))

In [28]:
diffusion_solve_CN(U, dx, dt, nx, len(t), D)
pcolormesh(U, rasterized=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1.0)

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f6952d547b8>

What about other boundary conditions than 0 Dirichlet? In explicit schemes, the implementation is trivial. Otherwise, we need to put the BC to the RHS. For example nonzero Dirichlet BC conditions result:

In [28]:

In [31]:
def diffusion_solve_implicit(U, dx, dt, nx, nt, D):
    alpha = D*dt/dx**2
    d2x = eye(nx)-d2matrix(nx)*alpha
    LU = factorized(d2x.tocsc())
    for it in range(0,nt-1):
        b = U[it,1:-1]
        b[[0,-1]] += alpha*U[it+1,[0,-1]]
        #U[it+1,1:-1] = LU(U[it,1:-1])
        U[it+1,1:-1] = LU(b)

def diffusion_solve_CN(U, dx, dt, nx, nt, D):
    alpha2 = D*dt/dx**2*0.5
    M1 = eye(nx)-d2matrix(nx)*alpha2
    M2 = eye(nx)+d2matrix(nx)*alpha2
    LU = factorized(M1.tocsc())
    for it in range(0,nt-1):
        b = M2.dot(U[it,1:-1])
        b[[0,-1]] += alpha2*(U[it,[0,-1]]+U[it+1,[0,-1]])
        U[it+1,1:-1] = LU(b)

Model of heat conduction across a rod. Note the "huge" time step

In [32]:
U, dx, dt, x, t = diffusion_init(maxx, maxt*100, D, nx, SC*40)
U[:,0] = 1.

In [33]:
diffusion_solve_CN(U, dx, dt, nx, len(t), D)
pcolormesh(U, rasterized=True, vmin=-0, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f6952d3be80>

In [34]:
diffusion_solve_implicit(U, dx, dt, nx, len(t), D)
pcolormesh(U, rasterized=True, vmin=-0, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f6952d173c8>

Neumann BC

In [35]:
def diffusion_solve_implicit_neumann(U, dx, dt, nx, nt, D, NBC = [0., 0.]):
    alpha = D*dt/dx**2
    n_unknowns = nx + 2
    d2x = eye(n_unknowns)-d2matrix(n_unknowns)*alpha
    d2x[0, 1] -= alpha
    d2x[-1, -2] -= alpha
    LU = factorized(d2x.tocsc())
    for it in range(0,nt-1):
        b = U[it,:]
        b[[0,-1]] -= alpha*2*dx*array(NBC)
        U[it+1,:] = LU(b)

In [ ]:
U, dx, dt, x, t = diffusion_init(maxx, maxt*50, D, nx, SC*20)
U[0,:] = 0.
U[0, (x<maxx*0.4) & (x>maxx*0.2)] = 1.

In [ ]:
diffusion_solve_implicit_neumann(U, dx, dt, nx, len(t), D)
pcolormesh(U, rasterized=True, vmin=-0, vmax=.5)

In [ ]: